I had gate exam on 5th feb and also i had my university end sem on same date what is the procedure to change the date if the exam.
The date of the examination or the venue can't be changed. Although, if there is a problem for a massive number of student then the dates can get postponned. But as its not a problem of a massive number of student, the GATE authority will not change the dates. I would recommend you to contact your HOD and inform him/her. If your university reassign your semester thats the only solution. Also you can put a mail to the GATE authorities but I don't think it will be influential at all.
For the helpline numbers of GATE 2022, you may visit:
To know more about GATE 2022, visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
You cannot change the date of your GATE exam. You can try to contact your college examination branch and convey your problem they can help you. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur is going to conduct the GATE 2022 exam as a CBT on February 5, 6, 12 and 13. The IITKGP GATE 2022 admit card download is now available at gate.iitkgp.ac.in.The GATE 2022 result declaration date is March 17. GATE score card 2022 will be available for download from March 21.