i have 70% in b.tech mech.engg.and 87% in 10th and 67% in 12th.so how i shld prepare fr psu?? and on wht subjcts i shld focus???
For better understanding please go through last two years papers.
Fluid mechanics, Strength of material, theory of machines , production technology also need to learnt.
Note:- Fluid mechanics, strength of materials and thermal subjects are core things for major exams.
All the best.
You got good percentage in all. But for PSU's it's depends on different one's, because psu is not like intermediate it's the collection of so many fields, where so many jobs are there. Please do smart and prepare accordingly.
All the best for your bright future.
i need to knw on wht fields i shld focus so that i can qualify for ntpc or ongc etc???? since i belong to mechanical background so on which subjects i shld focus????