I have completed engineering in electronics and communication, can i study masters in fashion management in united kingdom ?
Yes you can do masters in anything you want but most importantly you need to be able to convince the university why this change in majors is the right decission and what motivated you to do so. You will need to explain it thoroughly in your SOP.
Undergraduate Degree from any Institute / University recognized by law in India.
Undergraduate Diploma of minimum three years duration from NIFT / NID.
So as far as UK is concerned , other than college rules you can .
I don't agree with rest of answer
Studying in abroad will definitely lead you to
A good position than getting job in India.
Good luck
Best of luck
Best of luck
Yes, you can do that. But if you're passionate about that, go with no other option and also if you want to do masters in ECE you, this will be better option. As you invested your 4 years of time in this. But follow your passion and take decision.
All the best.