i have done my thumbprint will black ink . it will create problem or not and my photo is uploaded without name and date
Actually, you should have uploaded your left hand thumb impression with blue ink on white paper and photos with name and date of photo and you cannot re -upload these documents until nta notifies you for it.
But it should not be the reason for the rejection of your neet application form.
If nta will think that uploaded thumb impression and photos doesn't meet its requirements then it will notify you through your email address or mobile number. And if you get notified by nta then you will be able to make corrections in your upload thumb impression and photos using neet correction window.
Nta will open the correction window of Neet 2020 on 15th January and you will be able to make corrections till 31st January 2020. So , make sure that you make correction between these dates.
But in case if you don't get notified then you should think that you are fine with the uploaded documents .
For detailed information go through our page for which link is provided below :-
Good luck for your neet preparation