I need a perfect weightage for ap eamcet 2021
Greetings dear Aspirant
Following is the weightage for AP EAMCET exam:
Current Electricity- 7%
Heat and Thermodynamics- 6%
Electrostatics- 6%
Magnetic effect of Current and Magnetism- 6%
Work Energy Power- 5%
Wave Motion- 5%
Simple Harmonic Motion- 5%
Physics of Nucleus- 5%
Solids and Semiconductor Devices- 5%
Modern Physics: (Atomic Models)- 5%
Center of Mass, Impulse and Momentum- 5%
Probability- 7%
Matrices Determinants- 5%
Limits- 5%
Indefinite Integration- 5%
Definite Integration- 5%
Sets, Relations and Functions- 5%
Theory of equations-4%
Permutation and Combination- 4%
Complex Numbers- 4%
Three Dimensional Geometry- 4%
Chemical Kinetics- 7%
Chemical Bonding- 6%
Transition Elements (d and f block)- 6%
S- block Elements- 6%
General Organic Chemistry- 6%
P- block Elements- 5%
Redox Reactions- 5%
Ionic Equilibrium- 4%
Chemical Equilibrium- 4%
Coordination Compounds- 4%
Hope this helps!!
All the best for your future endeavours