I want to become a food quality control analyst...do i require a bsc in food technology?...also does class 12 % matter?
Students interested in this occupation should take as many high school science and math classes as possible. A solid background in applied chemistry, biology, physics, math, and statistics is important. Knowledge of how to use spreadsheets and databases also may be necessary.
Agricultural and food science technicians typically need an associate's degree in biology, chemistry, crop or animal science, or a related field from an accredited college or university. Many agricultural and food science technician positions require a bachelor's degree. While in college, prospective technicians learn through a combination of technical instruction and hands-on experiences, such as internships.
Some agricultural and food science technicians successfully enter the occupation with a high school diploma but typically need related work experience and on-the-job training that may last a year or more.
A background in the biological or chemical sciences is important for most agricultural and food science technicians. Students may find it helpful to take courses in biology, chemistry, plant or animal science, and agricultural engineering as part of their programs. Many schools offer internships, cooperative education, and other programs designed to provide hands-on experience and enhance employment prospects.
Important Qualities
Analytical skills
- Agriculture and food science technicians must conduct a variety of observations and on-site measurements, all of which require precision and accuracy.
Communication Skills - Agricultural and food science technicians must be able to understand and give clear instructions, keep detailed records, and occasionally, write reports.
Interpersonal Skills - Agricultural and food science technicians need to work well with others. They may supervise agricultural and food science workers and receive instruction from scientists or specialists, so effective communication is critical.
Work Experience in a Related Occupations - Workers who enter the occupation with only a high school diploma often must have years of experience in a related occupation during which they develop their knowledge of agriculture or manufacturing processes.