I want to do bba llb in this college. In my family no one have done law so my parents are worried and due to lockdown our financial status have dropped. please give me advice on this , will there be a good job opportunity after doing bba llb. please tell will I settle nicely if I do this.
Answer (1)
Dear Aspirant,
Irrespective of the college you go for,It is obvious on completion of BBA L.L.B. Degree you will be having a lot of employment opportunities at many fields like:
legal profession and judiciary,administration, planning, management, banking and industrial sector.
So don't worry it's worth taking this course
Make sure you stay confident and passionate during your study
All the best
Irrespective of the college you go for,It is obvious on completion of BBA L.L.B. Degree you will be having a lot of employment opportunities at many fields like:
legal profession and judiciary,administration, planning, management, banking and industrial sector.
So don't worry it's worth taking this course
Make sure you stay confident and passionate during your study
All the best
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