I want to take civil as my branch ...is that a good choice for future?or I should go for computer engineering??please help
If you compare both the job market then you find now days job market is over crowded with computer science engineer and for every next good profile there will be tough fight.
If you take civil for long run the opportunities is huge with good income and not even in private sector govt sector jobs are welcoming Civil engineer with good perks and opportunities to work in good projects , like roads, dams, metro etc.
Accordingly my vote will go for Civil engineering .
All the best
So.. Prefer mostly Cse..if you intrested in civil you should go to walk-in interviews like by attempting gate examination..
Thanks for reading..
See, the life of Civil engineer is tougher as compared to CSE folks, and the placements are much better for them. If you can manage and if you are fine with other branch then definitely go for CS or IT. At one point of time you'll enjoy this too. So choose accordingly.
All the Best for your future endeavours..!!
It's basically depends upon your interest and passion. Just I want to tell you that by opting CSE you'll be able to get job in campus placements easily with avg pay-scale of 3-4LPA. if you opt civil engineering, and can clear gate you can get pay scale of minimum 5LPA.
It's your wish now, don't go with pay scale. Go with passion while choosing the branch.
All the best.
If you are just thinking from placement point of view then I would suggest you to go ahead with Computer Science.
Hope this helps. All the best!
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