If i clear mat may 2019 and i want admission in jims kalkaji so what procedure should be followed to get into jims after clearing mat.
JIMS Rohini PGDM Admissions Online Application Form
Good luck.
Hello Shiva. You need to apply for PGDM or PGDM(IB) in the university by either buying the application form directly from the University for Rs.1000/- or you can fill up the form online from their official website. If you clear MAT 2019 cutoff and you fulfill all other eligibility criteria of the college then you would be called for the group discussion and personal interview. Your final admission would depend on the marks you obtained in MAT and performance in GD & PI.
You can visit the official website to know more about their admission procedure.
Hope this helps. For more queries please feel free to comment down below.
Good luck!
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The PGDM program is duly approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of HRD and Government of India. PGDM program is accredited from National Board of Accreditation (NBA), Govt. of India for excellence in quality education. It has also been granted equivalence to MBA degree by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi.
The Institute has excellent infrastructural resources to facilitate learning.
Minimum Eligibility
55% marks in graduation in any discipline. (Students appearing in final year examination are also eligible).
Mat score
Composite Score 580
75 Percentile
70 Percentile
70 Percentile
60 Percentile
Total Fees7.15Lac + 5000 Refundable Security (Payable in four Installments)
*cut off shall be decided as per the admission committee of JIMS.
Selection Procedure
Final selection will be made on the basis of Academic Performance, CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT Score, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Also applicants need to have minimum 50% in their Graduation.
How to Apply
Prospectus and Application forms are available on the payment of Rs. 1000/-. Following are the modes of payment:
Online - Applicants can make payment through Credit Card/Debit Card or Net Banking on the website i.e. www.jimsindia.org
Demand Draft -Applicants can also register online on the website i.e. www.jimsindia.org. All such forms must be supported by a Demand Draft in favour of Jagan Institute of Management Studies payable at Delhi.
Cash - Application forms are available at Rohini (Delhi) Campus on payment of Rs. 1000/-.
You can opt for more than one program in the same application form with no additional cost.
For clear info
Hope this is helpful.
Good luck.