If I get 75-80 marks in gujcet and 85 - 87 percentage in Gujarat board, then what will be my rank?
Actually this tough to simply say. The ACPC uses the sum of 60% of the weightage of the percentile obtained in the theory subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and 40% weightage of the percentile obtained in the GUJCET-to calculate the merit marks. However you can check the percentile here http://www.jacpcldce.ac.in/Adm17/BE/Percentile_GujCET.pdf. Considering the marks in both, you do stand a fair chance of a good seat.
You can check the cutoffs to know the ranks you need to get for a seat - https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/gujcet-cutoff. After the exam, there will rank predictors available and you can use them for estimating your probable rank in GUJCET for admissions
GUJCET Complete Guide
Candidates find detailed information related to GUJCET through this ebook and thus prepare accordingly for the upcoming session.