Imt nagpur, hyedrabad cat cut off
Hi Pranav,
Before knowing the CAT cutoffs it is very important to understand what all factors are considered important before deciding each year's cut off. IMT Nagpur is deemd to be one of the most sought after univerisities for MBA programs and it decides its cutoffs based on the number of candidates who appeared for the test, previous year's cutoff, paper's difficulty level and the number of seats available for the programs. Therefore, based on these factors, the cutoffs margin varies each year.
Since, last year's CAT cutoff for IMT Nagpur was 80 percentile, and this year's result has not been published, it is expected that this year's result will also be 80 or around the same figure. For further reference, I am attaching herewith a website link for you to understand IMT's admission process better along with the expected result. I hope this helps you and all the very best!
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