in Telangana which has more scope in between bsc food technology and Btech food technology???
Irrespective of the state, if you wish to get into a more job oriented UG and you want a job just after your graduation then I would suggest you to go for BTech Food Technology because BTech Food technology is more industrially applicable and after a successful completion of the course you can work in industries etc. But if you go for BSc Food technology, then just after BSc its hard for you to get a job. You will need to do a MSc in order to get a job. As BSc is a more research oriented course I would suggest if you are interested in research then it will be better to go for it else you should go for BTech.
I hope you got my point. Although I would suggest you to conduct a research by yourself before taking any decision.
To know more about Food Technology visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!