Is it right carrier to do mba in hospility management? Give full details of course and colleges?
Hello Abhijit,
MBA in Hospitality Management course is beneficial for those students who are interested in leadership roles in the public and retail sector and have a people pleasing attitude.An aspirant must be a graduate in any stream, preferably BBA in Hospitality Management. Students are also expected to have a friendly personality with excellent communication skills and a zeal to provide the utmost comfort to their clients as they will have to deal with numerous people from diverse backgrounds in both the national and international circuit. Some of the Premier Institutes offering this course in India are- 1.Birla Institute of technology and Science (BITS), Pilani
2.Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
3.Amity University, Noida
4.Delhi School of Business, New Delhi
5.Punjab University, Chandigarh
After successfully completing the course, a student can apply in various sectors related to Travel Agencies, Colleges & Universities, Entrepreneurship, Hotel/ Resort, Food Craft Institutes, Airports, Hospitality Industry, Airlines, etc. For further information you can access the link below by Careers360 and get in-depth knowledge of the course. Good Luck!
- Yes, It is right decision taking Hoapitality Mangemnet .
- What is MBA Hospitality about?
- The hospitality sector is categorized and divided as per the skills required in various departments such as accommodation, food &beverage, meeting &events, gaming& entertainment, tourism services, and visitorinformation.
- Hotel industry is one domain which requires specialization in servicing the customers and guests and MBA Hospitalitycan be a source of producing such professionals who have skills to identify customers needs and demands.
Top Colleges All over India
Gesto Culinary and Hospitality Academy - Andhra Pradesh
Esquire Academy of Management - Karnataka
Coimbatore Institute of Management and Technology - Tamil Nadu
Achariya School of Business and Technology - Puducherry
Biyani Institute of Science and Management - Rajasthan
Establishment of Business and Hotel Management - Dehradun
All the best