Is MBA after BSc more beneficial than MSc?
Good question, but the choice of higher studies is purely based on your decision.
Higher studies are purely based on also what kind of a job or role or position are you looking out for.
As far as an MBA is concerned , if you look at it the main role and responsibility is managing the work as well as delegation. But for doing justice to this role, one need to know the ground rule or the basics of the job.As far as an M.Sc is concerned, mainly it is a research oriented profile. Now the choice is yours. You would have to self introspect. Whether you are a Research kind of a person or would you prefer to manage the work as well as delegate work. But if I am to advice you, I would suggest that if you are able to get an answer by your self introspection then follow it accordingly .
At the end of your MBA what you will get is a job and I believe that's what you’re looking forward to. So get this fact straight that no matter if you do Msc or not the end result would be you getting a job. Now the companies that come for placement doesn't really segregate students having a higher or a lower degree because what they came to take is MBA graduates. Trust me they don’t really see the bachelor degree you have. Case in point my friend with English hons did MBA in marketing and got into a good job. Yes it’s that simple. They check your knowledge mainly on MBA domain only. But exceptions are there but it’s very minimal. First thing you must keep in mind is that you are a science grad and MBA is all about business, so logic puts commerce students a bit ahead of the race but Btech candidates are also favored sometimes because of their analytical skills.
So now you decide if you want to increase your credentials as a person using 2 more years of your life (which will ultimately amount to nothing when you will sit for placements ) or do want to get a job faster? (Cause you will be at par with everyone during interview, even an Msc).