Is st. Stephen' s College better than lady shri ram college in DU for B.A. psychology
Dear aspirant,
St. Stephens College is located in North Campus and it is known to be the best college in Delhi University whereas Lady Shree Ram College is the best college only for women. Only difference between the two is St. Stephen College is co.ed whereas the other one is not.
Hope this helps
All the best
Both, St. Stephens College and Lady Shri Ram College for women are affiliated with University of Delhi.
St. Stephens College is located in North Campus and is known to be best college amongst all, on the other hand Lady Shri Ram College for women is also highly recognized and is the top college for women.
Both the colleges come under top 5 colleges of University of Delhi, it's just that St. Stephens College is Co-ed and Lady Shri Ram College isn't.
Pursuing BA in psychology from any one of these is going to be equally beneficial and syllabus for every college is the same so academically there is no difference.
However, St. Stephens College is a bit more recognized than Lady Shri Ram College so I'd say St. Stephens is better than LSR.
Hope this helps!
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