Is the syllabus of computer engineering and computer science engineering same
NO!!!! The syllabus for Computer science and engineering and computer engineering are not same...
See, Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering.
- Computers and Information Technology
- C & Data Structures.
- Network Theory.
- Semiconductor Devices and circuits
- Engineering Drawing Practice
- Data Processing and File Organization
- Linear and Digital ICs Applications
- Switching theory and Logic design.
- Managerial Economics and Accountancy
- Electrical Technology
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- OS
- CO
- Data Communications
- Computer Networks
- Computer Graphics
- Language processors
- Distributed Systems
- Software engineering
- Robotics
- Data mining
- Digital Speech and Image processing
- Visual Programming Techniques
- Java programming
- Fault Tolerant Systems
And some more.....
While, CSE is the branch of engineering study which deals with the aspects related to computing design and tools involved in its working.
- Engineering Physics
- Engineering chemistry
- Engineering graphics.
- OOPs
- Data Structures
- Logic design
- Graph theory
- Computer Networks
- Java programming
- Database management systems
- Basic of C.
- Electronics basics.
- Artificial intelligent.
- Internet of Things.
- Web developments.
- Operating system
- Computer organisation.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
- Environmental science.
- Mathematics.
- Microprocessor.
And some more....
I hope this would help you. For further queries please feel free to write me down in the comment box.