Is there Bsc hons Agriculture in IGKV Raipur . It is of 3 year or 4 year course ?
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Agriculture is a full-time four-year undergraduate degree course offered by IGKV raipur.
You may check more info here
IGKV Bsc Agriculture
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya(IGKV),RAIPUR
Does not provide or has BSC HONS course.
The course provided by IGKV,raipur are
Bsc in agriculture and horticulture.
Phd for the same.
Btech in agriculture,etc
The college INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA has a very good rating in all the fields and provides very good facilities to the students in all aspects.
Hope this may help.