Last date for Online Slot booking for lpunest 2021
LPUNEST MBA 2025: Mock Test | Sample Papers | Preparation Tips (Section-wise)
LPU offers 418 courses across 18 streams namely Engineering, Management, Design, Paramedical, IT, Commerce & Banking, Hotel Management, Physical Education, Arts, Performing Arts, Science, Law, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Education, Media & Mass Communication, Vocational, Medical and across 10 degrees like B.Tech, BSc, BA, B.Des, BBA.
Admission for the 1st phase is over for 2022, however 2nd pahse admission has begun. For 2nd phase the last date to book a slot is 20th june. For more details visit the website.
Hi there, the LPUNEST exam has been scheduled program wise and the dates of each program is given on the website. Kindly check the website for further information
LPUNEST MBA 2025 Mock Test PDF
This eBook includes a full-length mock test to simulate the actual exam environment, helping you assess your readiness and improve your performance.
LPUNEST 2021- Lovely Professional University (LPU) has released the LPU application form2021for admission into the B. Tech courses.
LPUNESTAdmission Date2021.
EventsImportant Dates Slot Booking February 15 onwards
LPUNEST 2021 examdate March 20 to April 5
Announcement of result April 10,2021
Dear Student,
LPUNEST 2021 online slot booking was scheduled to start from 15 feb onwards which has started already.This year LPUNEST held in 28 states,9 union territories and in 200 cities and You need to book your slot for exam center, time as soon as possible because preference of slot will be given to first come first serve basis means which candidate books the slot first will get that slot .You can download admit card only after booking the slot.For more information you can visit the LPU official website for LPUNEST 2021 or you can click below