My date of birth is mistaken in WBJEE application form. Any further steps to correct it after the release of admit card.? After the release of admit card, Am I not allowed to seat in examination because of that blunder mistake?
Please explain me the process through which you corrected your DOB as I am facing the same problem.
You have to reach out to the help desk at the numbers or email given on the admit card. Or please mail them immediately at: [email protected] . The board will keep a note of this and respond to you. They usually take 24-72 hours before they reply. But please mail them and wait for their reply to see as what can be done about that.
I am sorry to say but you can't change your date of birth once the admit card for WBJEE is out and exam is just around the corner. However, you should try contacting the helpdesk of WBJEE through email or phone or the helpline numbers available on the official website. Even if your birth credentials are wrong or are different from your DOB proof, you won't be barred from appearing in the exam and you can attempt it without any problem. There are very few days left for the exam and I would advise you to concentrate on your preparation only and leave these problems to solve after your exam. If you clear the exam then there are chances that you can resolve this issue while taking admission in any college or during the admission process by furnishing your real DOB proof and by contacting the helpdesk for any help.
So, focus on your preparation and try to give the exam with full concentration as these problems should not stop you from appearing in the exam.
Good luck.