My gate score is 260/1000 and rank is 2702. Architecture paper. I'm fro civil background. Can i get a good college?
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Hello aspirant,
I hope that you are doing absolutely great.
With reference to yoru above mentioned query, i would like to tell you that it is really difficult to predict the exact number of colleges (NIT's or BITS Colleges) you can get with thsi GATE Score and rank in 2022. This is because the GATE Qualifying Cutoff varies every year and is different for different category students.
The GATE Qualifying Cutoff depends on several factors like :
The difficulty level of GATE 2022 question paper
Total number of GATE 2022 applicants
Previous years cutoffs trends
Availability of seats (Department-wise or discipline-wise)
However, looking at the GATE 2021 Cutoff trends. the minimum GATE Scores that was needed for General category for CE was around 32.9
Further, you can also look out the Gate Qualifying Cutoff for EE for previous year by following the link below :
Also, you can check the GATE College predictor tool to know you chances in other colleges based on your GATE SCore :
I hope that this will help.
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