My GUJCET PR 97 and Gujarat board percentile 94.63 which college best for engineering in Gujarat?
Congratulations for getting such a good marks in GUJCET. There are many top collages in which you can take admission, one of which is Government of engineering colleges, palanpur .
For more details about seat matrix, cutoff, counseling dates go through this link
I hope this will help you for finding college.
Good luck for your journey.
Hii dhruv
First of All congratulations For Your extrem Good score...
As per your percentage Your merit rank will be under 500-1000 in gujarat merit list.
You will definately Get Some good engineering college..
But first of have to decide that in which field You are interested To doing engineering
Best Colleges in Gujarat in which You will get admission Is
1-LD college of engineering
2-Vishvakarma Government College
3-Birla Vishwakarma VV nagar
4-DDIT nadiad
You will definately get one of above colleges in your Prior Field