My rank in EAMCET is 5801 can I get seat in svu, Tirupati if iam general female candidate
As you have got a really good rank and through this you have decent chances of getting admission in svu.The branches you could get are
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech Chemical Engineering
If not selected in round 1 you should wait for round 2 counselling you will definitely get a seat there.
Also , I would suggest you to gofor other colleges as well.
Good luck!!
Congratulations for cracking the EAMCET examination of 2019.
You mentioned that you are a female general category candidate and you got a rank of 5801.
You have interest in engineering. It is a very good choice.
You are looking for a engineering seat in Shree Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
It is a decent College for engineering.
You can definitely opt for these college.
You can check the cut off of this college in .
You can also use the rank predictor of
Hope it helps.