obc and sebc catagory are same?
Both the categories are inter-linked as SEBC stands for socially and economically backward classes whereas OBC stands for other backward classes. However, both the terms are used inter-changeably and 27% of provision is applicable for both ones. ... Is the SEBC certificate the same as the OBC-NCL certificate.
52% of OBC people were counted to the Indian population in 1980 by B.P.Mandal committee report in V.P. Singh Sarkar.
In the Indian constitution, 27% reservation is given to OBC people who are socially and economically weak.
As per the Indian constitution, there are two main purposes to deliver the reservation.
- Development of SC (Scheduled Castes), ST ( Scheduled Castes), OBC (https://fullformstar.com/obc-sc-st-and-ews-full-form/) (Other Backward Classes), EWS (Economically Weaker sections)- under article 15(4), Article 15 (5), and Article 15 (6).
- Sufficient representation of any EWS (Economically weaker sections). – Under Article 16 (4) and Article 16 (6).