online slot booking foraeee has not been opened as of now is it correct and when would we expect it to open?
It has been mentioned on the official website that Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham will open the slot booking of AEEE 2019 for the registered candidates from April 12, 3:00 PM Onwards. However, the slot booking has not started yet.
It is expected to start soon.
Stay connected, link for the slot booking will be available as soon as it is started officially by the authorities or stay connected to the official website-
Also, for an effective preparation of AEEE exam, you can enroll for AEEE Knockout course. Through it you can practice Unlimited Chapter wise Test, Subject wise Test and Full Mock Test. You will also get smart study material, preparation analysis and more for preparation and to perform better in AEEE exam.
Good Luck!
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The onlnie slot booking is expected to open on April 5 and will close probably by April 10. For more details about the same you can refer to the given link here: