Only 2 months are left for mhtcet . What would be an ideal study plan to get 175+ score. Will studying from marvel ok ?
- Revise all important topics first
- Make notes in the form of key points and formulas
- the paper level will be easier than jee main, so dont worry much
- Solve all last year question papers
- Refer Ncert books and have good grasp on concepts
Remember once concepts of a particular topic are clear than whatever book you refer doesnt hold much importance. Always practice questions from variety of books. Yes marvel is a good book.
Hello Utkaarsh,
Prepare these topics, If you're lagging in any of these topic, ping me
If you need name for the books, do comment
MH CET Preparation | Chemistry
Here as per research, I am providing you the best topic to study easily
Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen
Surface Chemistry
Redox Reactions
Nature of Chemical Bond
p-Block elements Group 15 elements
s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)
Basic Principles and Techniques in Organic Chemistry
Chemistry is one of the easiest subjects if you study it with full concentration and consistency. Learning Inorganic Chemistry equations and reactions by heart can prove to be really helpful. Direct questions based on equations and reactions are bound to be asked, and this to be something that you will continue to remember in your mind will help you save a lot of time during the exam. It is better that, while preparation, you maintain a handbook that contains all the formulae and equations. Most importantly, don’t forget to take mock test/sample papers regularly to improve your time management. It will give you the extra needed mileage to the successfully clear competitive exam.
MH CET Preparation | Physics
Wave Motion
Electrons and Photons
Interference and Diffraction
Ray Optics
Physics is an important and tricky subject to crack in MH CET Exam. Go through the NCERT books for Physics. NCERT books cover all the topics in the syllabus of the exam. However, the chapters mentioned above require comparatively less effort and time to understand completely. Make a complete list of derivations, formulae, and experiments in your syllabus and keep that list it will be handy later during the revision. Revise the all the concepts regularly. Particularly in the case of Physics, one finds that topics like Semiconductors, Interference, and Waves have some extra theory that should be prepared separately.
MH CET Preparation | Mathematics
Differential Equations
Integral Calculus
Trigonometric Functions
Continuity and Differentiability
Vectors and 3D Geometry
Three Dimensional Geometry
Mathematics exam has been found to be lengthy many a time. Many challenging integration problems can be solved surprisingly quickly by simply knowing the right technique to apply. While finding the right technique can be a matter of ingenuity, there are a dozen or so techniques that permit a more comprehensive approach to solving definite integrals. General Solution for Trigonometric equation is bring the equation in one of the standard forms. This can be done by using factorization formula (i.e. to convert from addition to multiplication). If an equation is asked then substitute the values in the option in the equation. Use Trial and Error Method / Elimination method. For co-ordinate geometry, draw graphs according to equations given and predict the answer. For matrices Do adjoint first or transpose/ square/ other operation first, the answer is same. Try to use the options for finding the answer, rather than solving the entire sum. Use properties of determinants to simplify a given matrix. It is important that you improve your speed-solving skills. Solve as many questions as possible before the exam, and make sure to progressively enhance your speed by timing the working time for each problem.
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