please provide llb entrance exam full syllabus
The syllabus for LLB entrance exams is as below:
1. English Language
- Reading Comprehension
- Grammar and Vocabulary
- Sentence Correction
- Para Jumbles
2. General Knowledge and Current Affairs
- Static General Knowledge
- Current Affairs
3. Mathematics (Elementary)
- Numerical Ability
- Number System
- Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest
- Ratio and Proportion, Averages
- Time and Work, Time and Distance
4. Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning
- Legal Principles
- Legal Terms and Maxims
- Constitutional Law
- Torts, Contracts, Criminal Law
5. Logical Reasoning
- Analytical Reasoning
- Critical Reasoning
- Syllogisms
- Logical Puzzles
Hope this helps,
Thank you