Please send me the syllabus of all 8 semesters of Civil engineering with topics.
Hello Ayush,
Hope you are doing well!
Well dear,every college has a different syallbus,yet they are all same as for the GATE syallabus.(excluding the Aptitude Part)
So,i am providing you with the GATE Syallabus,you can take an idea of the syallabus from the link below:
I hope this will be helpful to you!
All the Best!
Keep Smiling :)
Hello Aspirant
I & II Semester Common for all branches
Engineering Maths – I
Engineering Physics
Elements of Civil Engg. & Engineering Mechanics
Elements of Mechanical Engg.
Basic Electrical Engg.
Workshop Practice
Engg. Physics Lab
Constitution of India & Professional Ethics
Language (Kan.) -
Engineering Maths – II
Engineering Chemistry
Computer Concepts & C Programming
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Basic Electronics
Computer Programming Lab
Engg. Chemistry Lab
Environmental Studies
Language (Eng.) -
Engg. Mathematics – III
Building Materials and Construction Technology
Strength of Materials
Surveying – I
Fluid Mechanics
Applied Engineering Geology
Civil Engg. Material Testing Laboratory
Surveying Practice – I -
Engg. Mathematics – IV
Concrete Technology
Structural Analysis
Surveying – II
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines
Building Planning & Drawing
Surveying Practice-II Laboratory
Applied Engineering Geology -
Management and Entrepreneurship
Design of RCC Structural Elements
Structural Analysis – II
Geotechnical Engineering – I
Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Lab.
Computer Aided Design Lab. -
Environmental Engineering – I
Design & Drawing of RC structures – II
Geotechnical Engineering. – II
Hydraulic Structures and Irrigation
Elective-I (Group A)
Geotechnical Engineering. Lab
Extensive Survey Viva Voce -
Elective-I (Group A)
Theory of Elasticity
Alternative Building Materials and Technologies
Ground Improvement Techniques
Advanced Surveying
Ground Water Hydrology
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Traffic Engineering - • VII SEMESTER
Environmental Engineering.-II
Design of Steel Structures
Estimation and Valuation
Design of Pre Stressed Concrete Structures
Elective-II (Group B)
Elective-III (Group C)
Environmental Engineering. Lab
Concrete and Highway Materials Lab -
Elective-II (Group B)
Matrix Method of Structural Analysis
Advanced Design of RC Structures
Design of Masonry Structures
Earth and Earth Retaining Structures
Highway Geometric Design
Open Channel Hydraulics
Solid Waste Management -
• Elective-III (Group C)
Numerical methods in Civil Engineering
Rock Mechanics
Pavement Materials and Construction
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Air Pollution and Control
Wavelet Transforms
Design and Drawing of Bridges.: * (2 Hrs of Theory + 3 Hrs of Drawing)
Structural Dynamics -
Advanced Concrete Technology
Design and Drawing of Steel Structures
Elective-IV (Group D)
Elective-V (Group E)
Project Work
Seminar -
• Elective-IV (Group D)
Advanced Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
Advanced Foundation Design
Pavement Design
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Construction Management & Engineering Economics. -
• Elective-V (Group E)
Finite Element Analysis
Reinforced Earth Structures
Urban Transport Planning
Geographic Information System
Advanced Design of Steel Structures
Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Impact Assessment
Hope it helps
Thank you & Good Luck!!!

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Hello Ayush,
The syllabus of all 8 semesters of civil engineering are follows:
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for First Semester
Chemistry |
Computer Programming |
Economics |
Calculus |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Modern Physics |
Engineering Graphics and Drawing |
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for the Second Semester
Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations |
Chemistry |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Modern Physics |
Engineering Mechanics |
Data Analysis and Interpretation |
Engineering Graphics and Drawing |
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for the Third Semester
Differential Equations II |
Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Circuits |
Solid Mechanics |
Fluid Mechanics |
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for the Fourth Semester
Environmental Studies |
Structural Mechanics I |
Hydraulic Engineering |
Geodesy |
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for the Fifth Semester
Literature/Philosophy/Psychology/Sociology |
Soil Mechanics I |
Structural Mechanics II |
Design of Structures I |
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for the Sixth Semester
Soil Mechanics II |
Transportation Engineering I |
Design of Structures II |
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for Seventh Semester and
The seventh semester includes detailed knowledge of transportation engineering and with few elective subjects
B.Tech Civil Engineering Syllabus for Eighth Semester
The eight-semester includes only elective subjects. The elective subjects in the semester include Construction Management, Engineering Law, Numerical Methods
1st year syllabus of every engineering course is almost same which contains chemistry, electronic devices, computer programming, calculus, modern physics etc. And year constitutes some technical syllabus such as fluid mechanics, engineering graphics, data analysis and interpretation etc. And then in next two years the main core subjects are opt such as structure mechanics, transportation etc.
To know more, kindly visit the link given below
Good Luck