Please tell me , How to prepare for GATE (engineering maths)??
Since the hopefuls think about the points and essential subtopics, they are very in front of numerous other. However, this isn't sufficient.
- The applicants must have an appropriate key intend to almost certainly spread the whole prospectus proficiently just as successfully.
- We, along these lines, uncover a few techniques for you to most likely set yourself up amazingly well for GATE.
Concentrate from nuts and bolts just as standard Engineering Mathematics books firstMake a note of the vital formulae and easy routes.
- You can allude the MADE EASY Mathematics book which is an across the board book where you will discover ideas, enhanced with past illuminated GATE inquiries everything being equal. This makes it a total book for training.
- concentrate more on these topics,
- linear algebra ,
- differential equations
- numerical methods
- discrete mathematics.
also, make a plan of studying daily 4 hours for preparation.
hope you understood,
thank you
Hello Aspirant.
Analysis and Expected Questions of Engineering Mathematics in GATE
1-Linear Algebra
(for All GATE streams)
.Important topics
.Eigenvalues and vectors
.Finding rank and determinant of matrices
.Systems of Linear Equations
.Model questions
.Find the Matrix for the given Eigen values and Eigenvectors.
.Properties of Eigenvalues for symmetrical matrices.
.Find the rank or determinant for given matrix.
.Properties of Matrices based on determinant, rank, etc.
.Find the solution for given system of linear equations
(for all streams, some of the below topics are not there in all streams)
.Important topics
.Maxima and Minima
.Gradient, Divergence, and Curl (Vector Analysis in GATE EC)
.Model questions
.Find the maximum and minimum values for the given functions.
.Simple questions on limit and continuity
.Find the Divergence of Given vector field.
3-Differential Equations
(for All GATE streams)
.Important topics
.First order equations (linear and nonlinear)
.Cauchy's and Euler's equations
.Model questions
.Find the solution of given differential equation
4-Complex Analysis
(except GATE CS)
Important topics: -
.Analytic Functions
.Cauchy-Riemann equations
.Taylor’s Series
.Model questions
.Numerical Methods
(except GATE CS)
Important topics: -
.Newton-Raphson method
.Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules
.Model questions
Find the iteration value of equation using the Newton-Raphson method.
Find the value of the given integral using Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.
5-Probability and Statistics
(for All GATE streams)
Important topics: -
.Joint and Conditional Probability
.Uniform, Normal, Exponential Distributions
.Model questions
Finding the probability for coin-based problems, dice-based problems, etc.
Finding the probability using distributions
6-Transform Theory
(for GATE EE and ME)
Important topics:-
.Laplace transform
.Model questions:
.Find the Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace transform of the given function.
7-Discrete Mathematics
(only for GATE CS)
Important topics: -
.Mathematical Logic (Propositions, and Predicate logic)
.Relations and Functions
8-Graph Connectivity, and coloring
Model questions
Find the first order logic sentence for the given English statement and with predicates.
Finding tautology, satisfiability, equivalences of given propositional statements.
Find the given relation is reflexive, symmetric, transitive, equivalence, etc.
Finding the number of edges, vertices, or components for the given connected or disconnected graph.
Checking isomorphism, Euler circuit, Hamiltonian cycle for given graphs.
Simple properties of various graphs such as complete graph, bipartite graph, regular graph, cycle graph and line graph.
i hope my answer will help you. All the best.