plz give me a proper and sumarized sugestion to crack neet i not only want to crack but AIIMS also and with AIR rank plz give me propr guide
So for aiims i would rather suggest you to go through solomon for orgainc chemistry & jd lee for physical chemistry.
For biology you should be thorough with NCERT +1 And +2. And you can refer trueman's elementary biology alongwith it.
For physics you should go for hc verma and resnik halliday for concepts and I E Iredov for numericals.
Sample papers available also prove a great help.
All the best.
Chemistry: apart from NCERT, you can refer JD LEE for inorganic, Solomom fryhle For organic
Physics: HC Verma or halliday resnik walker (Indian version) will do.
All the best! Be thorough with concepts
It is the highest prestigous seat in feild of medicine in india
For it you must be strong enough with your target revise your target daily and jeep reminding yourself where u want yourself to see after 2 years after that
Focus target your aim
For it very first step is intense hardwork with dedication
Keep one thing exam of aimms is diffetent from other exams as they have assertions reasoning QandA that weighs around 60 marks
To solve them you must have your basics crystal clear
I know one of my fellow mate of batch 2k14 who cracked aiims but his neet score was not that good
Moreover u also to focus on gk questions that are asked in aiims
For basics listen to teacher in class with full attention
Secondly follow any book just remember one thing NO BOOK IS BEST BOOK!!!! But yeah all books contain same concepts so follow any book from its index page to last page of book solve each ques
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