sir i am in third year and in computer science branch and today is 19 dec 2020 and it is only 55 days left for gate 2021 and i havent studied a single page till now and i am palnning to start from day so sir please guide me for my 50 days how to start and where to start that i end up by good rank
GATE Exam will be conducted for a duration of three hours including three types of questions-multiple type questions, multiple select questions and numerical answer type questions, a total of 65 questions will be asked for 100 marks with two sections such as general aptitude for 15 marks(it has ten questions out of which five questions are for one mark and remaining five are for two marks) and subject specific for 85 marks( out of which 25 questions carry one mark and 30 questions carry two marks), you can check out the full syllabus at
Now less than two months to go for GATE 2021, hence if you're really determined to crack the exam then first of all make a timetable and accordingly assign number of hours to each section, as of now you're already acquainted with the paper pattern and syllabus hence it's better if you can make a complete schedule for the remaining days, you can also start with the to-do list first thing in the day, this will help you stay updated of your progress level for the preparation.
Choosing appropriate study materials is essential in order to qualify the exam, the recommended books for GATE Computer Science are Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth Rosen, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by Kurose & Ross, Computer Organization and Embedded systems by Carl Hamacher, Database System Concepts by Korth, Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools by Aho & Ullman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Pressman, The C Programming language by Dennis Richie, Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Digital Design by Morris Mano, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata by Peter Linz
Going through previous year will help you a lot in your preparation process, in terms of analyzing your strength and weakness, working it accordingly, check out at
Also apply mock tests on regular basis, you can do this in weekends after you're done with studying for the week days, this will help you evaluate your preparation along with increasing your efficiency along with maintaining time management skills, you can try the official mock test at released by IIT Bombay.
Hello Candidate,
In order to get a very good score in GATE CSE Exam , your preparation matters a lot. And for this exam you have to start your preparation in advance. But now as per your query, you have just 55 days left for the exam. So, let me tell you that, this is very short time to prepare. But I am listing some very important points to start your preparation.
- First of all, you must know the complete GATE syllabus as per your branch.
- Focus on your core subjects
- Make a perfect study time table
- Solve previous year GATE question papers
- By this, you will get to know the difficulty level of exam, type of questions asked, weightage etc
- So solve as much papers as you can
- Clear your basic concepts by following some good books.
Some top books for GATE CSE are listed below.
Digital Logic and Number representation by Morris Mano
Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages and Computation by Mishra K.L.P.
GATE Practice Sets by Pearson
Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Pressman
Hope this helps.