Sir I got IT branch in Galgotias college of engg greater Noida, Will I learn programming in C,C++,JAVA etc?Scope compare to cse
CSE vs IT: Taking a big picture there is no difference between CSE and IT. One can even say that just forcefully a different degree is created by changing 1/2 subjects by universities. CSE always have higher cutoff than IT, and syllabus is almost same of both just IT focuses more on networks and networking whereas the basic subjects like DS,OS, ADA remains the same
Hope you find it helpful
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Good Luck!
According to your query,
You will definitely get to learn JAVA, C, C++ in IT branch. Basically IT and C. S. E are similar in many programming based and data based subjects. The scope of IT and C. S is nearly same and at the time of placements they are nearly sit together for interview so basically no difference.
Best of luck for your future.
Hope you find it useful.
Thank you.
Yes,you will definitely get opportunity of learning Programming language like JAVA,C,C++ etc.From syllabus point of view or as per as your interest,you can learn..Also during interview questions related to Programming language will be asked..What I am trying to saying that you will have to learn this language..
I hope this will be helpful to you..