sir/mam my tnea general rank is 8236 and community rank is 4930(BC) and my cuttoff is 189.5 ( cbse board) will I get seat in thiyagarajar college of engineering madurai
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Hi congratulations you got an decent rank in tnea here I'm providing some of the college below for your rank in tnea , yes you had an decent chance to get your preferred college
- Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai
- Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
- Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai
- Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
Hope this will help you
Actually It de pends in how much subject you failed, If you gave 6 exams and failed in one then you can appear the exam after 2-3 months when the dates are released. well about the dates it's already passed for this year. last date to register for the compartment was 22nd August 2021. And the exams were from 16th August to 15th Sep. So Now what you can do is you can appear for the improvement exam next year with the new batch. You should contact your school for this.
I hope you find this information helpful. I wish you all the best for your future.
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