to be a collector.what are all the ways to be follow and the steps to be taken.
Hi Arun......
Theses are the following steps to become a collector:
- Age requirement: Minimum age limit is 21 years and maximum age limit is 30 years for the candidates of general category. Candidates of SC/ ST have age relaxation of 5 years and candidates of OBC have age relaxation of 3 years in upper age limit.
- Minimum education required: An applicant must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized university/ institute. Final year students can also apply for the exam (read next point to know about exam) but they have to submit their degree/ pass certificate at a later stage.
- Competitive exam: You need to clear Civil Services Examination (CSE) conducted by UPSC. Union Public Service Commission conducts this exam every year for the recruitment to different civil services under Govt. of India, like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS).There are three stages in this exam- Preliminary exam, Mains exam and personality test or interview. Preliminary exam (popularly known as the Civil Services Aptitude Test or CSAT) consists of two papers and is of 200 marks for each paper. Both papers consist of multiple choice objective type questions. Paper II is qualifying in nature. Mains exam consists of a written examination and an interview. The written exam consists of total 9 papers out of which 2 exams are qualifying in nature while rest of the 7 exams are ranking in nature. The written exam is of 1750 marks and Interview or personality test is of 275 marks, thus Civil Services Mains Examination consists of 2025 marks in total.
Please note that exam qualifying in nature means that you need to secure minimum 33% marks in that exam so that you can be graded on the basis of another exam. Also, it means that it won't be graded for eligibility at next level.
As stated before, you need to pass your graduation at least to be eligible to appear for CSAT and CSE to become a collector. But if you have the passion to make your career as a collector, then you should start preparing yourself as soon as you clear your matric or +2. Read books related to English, General Knowledge, Indian Law and Constitution, History, Disaster management, etc.
Not only this, you must also possess excellent administrative skills, leadership skills, good communication skills, interpersonal skills and sharpen your ability to take quick and accurate decisions.
Hope this helps......Thank U