Top 5 engineering colleges in south which has best faculty good placement total fees less than 6 lacs?
1.Jamia Millia Islamia -Nice placement and quite good infrastructure. Fees --> 28K for 4 years Btech
2.CIC DU- Not a college infact,Its innovation Centre where innovative and real life engineering is promoted.Fees--> 12K per annum.Yes you read it right.
3.Govt colleges of IPU-
i ) USICT-Quite Good placement,Good infra at a cost of 55K per annum
ii ) GB PANT Engineering College- Poor Infra.Okayish placement.Fees- Around 40K per annum I guess AIACTR(Another college of IPU) has better infra and better placements(Better then GBPEC) with same few structure.
Some of the colleges provide scholarships too or discount.But I did not mentioned them.
According to lets intern survey
These are the colleges considering your priorities and having AAAA+ rating.
1. PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
2. Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA University), Thanjavur.
3. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
4. College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University
5. Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.
Thank you.