top engineering courses in world
Dear Sakshi,
The various top engineering courses all around the world are as follows:
1) Computer Engineering
2) Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
3) IT Engineering
4) Electrical Engineering
5) Mechanical Engineering
6) Civil Engineering
7) Chemical Engineering
8) Genetic Engineering
9) Aeronautical Engineering
10) Petroleum Engineering
and many more.
The selection of appropriate branch is based on your area of interest.
All the best.

Talking about top engineering courses in the world, preferable would be top engineering highest paying jobs around the world.
And, those are:
Petroleum Engineers
Nuclear Engineers
Aerospace Engineers
- Engineering Managers
Chemical Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Biomedical Engineers
- Materials Engineers.
Beginning with petroleum engg, we have some premier colleges in India in which admiision can be given by JEE Advance marks.I would like to mention some top colleges in India
Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Mumbai. Indian School of Mines University(ISM), Dhanbad. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT), UttarPradesh. University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun.
Colleges for Nuclear engg are(according to career360):
- Indian Institute of Technology Madras. ...
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. ...
- Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. ...
- Delhi Technological University, Delhi. ...
- University of Delhi, Delhi. ...
- Jadavpur University, Kolkata. ...
- SASTRA University, Thanjavur. ...
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
Concerning the Nuclear engg, please refer this lin of Careers360:
Also, this link contains the 402 colleges for Chemical engg:
For the Electrical engg this aite contains list of 2606 cllgs:
Link for Biomedical cllgs:
Thank you,
All the best for your career:):)
Hello Sakshi
Here are some of the most popular areas of study within engineering:
- Aerospace
- Biomedical
- Chemical
- Computer
- Electrical
- Environmental
- Industrial
Food Industry
I hope you agreed with my answer