UG courses in andhra university other than btech
I can help you ug courses information in Andhra University other than b tech there are n number of ways .
It is good to see your interest about courses available
Now I can provide you a link where you can get all the course available in Andhra University.
Sorry it includes b tech program also included in the link .
Hope helpful to you
All the best
Thank you

Hello Jaswanth..
Thanks for contacting Careers360..
Generally, there are MSc. courses, MBA and some Humanities degrees. But all are post-graduate to my knowledge. IIT Madras has an integrated M Sc Programme that admits students after 12th, and gives them an M Sc after 4 years. IIT Mumbai used to have a programme in “Engineering Physics” , might have been a part of the B.Tech programme though. Other IITs might have similar niche programmes.
hi jaswanth naidu,
i suggest you to refer the following link to get all courses offered in andhra university,
all the best!!
note:if any links available,copy and paste it in the url bar of your browser.
I Hope this information will be useful to you.
if you need additional information,let us know to help you.
Thank you!!!:)