What are the good books to prepare for KAS Exam.. Please reply me ASAP...
There are a lot of books as KAS has a very lengthy syllabus. I will suggest you few books here, pls refer to them:
First of all refer to NCERT books from classes 6-12. Apart from these books refer to the history, geography, climate and environment of Kerala.
General Studies -1
(A) History - India and Kerala
1) Ancient and Medieval Period
2) Modern Period
A Brief History of Modern India – Spectrum
3) Kerala History - 18th century and onwards.
Oxford Student Atlas –For Map Study.
Previous year KAS question papers (javascript%3A;)

(General Studies I)
(A) History (India and Kerala)
1)Ancient and Medieval Period
India’s Ancient Past (NCERT Text Book)
History of Medieval India ( NCERT Text Book)
Selected topics from Indian Art and Culture – Nitin Singhania.
Summit IAS pdf notes for Ancient & Medieval History
2) Modern Period
A Brief History of Modern India – Spectrum
3) Kerala History (from 18th century)
kerala Charithram and kearala charithra shilpikal by A.Sreedhara Menon.
Unacademy classes by Mansoor Ali
(B) History of the World (from mid 18 th century)
NCERT Textbook of Class 9, Class 10, last Chapter of Class 11
SUMMIT IAS world history for KAS pdf
(C) Cultural Heritage of Kerala
kerala samsakaram by A.Sreedhara Menon
(D) Indian Constitution
Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations by Laxmikanth
(E) Reasoning, Mental Ability
Previous year PSC questions
(F) Geography
Fundamentals of Physical Geography Class 11 NCERT
Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong
Oxford Student Atlas –For Map Study.
(General Studies II)
(A) Economy and Planning
Indian Economic Development(only Macro Economics Class 12 NCERT) Indian & Kerala Economy for KAS by (Noushad chengodan)
(B) Science and Technology
Selected topics from vision IAS Science and Technology PT365 or Insight PT 365 Exclusive
Summit IAS Science and Technology pdf for KAS.
Current affairs classes by Mansoor Ali (unacademy)
Selected topics from Environment – Shankar IAS Academy.
Environment notes by Summit IAS Academy for KAS.
(C) Current Events
Current affairs classes by Mansoor Ali (unacademy)
Daily Quizzes from KAS Study materials Telegram channel.
(D) Language Proficiency – English
Previous year PSC questions
(E)Language Proficiency – Malayalam
Previous year PSC questions
Note: Any standard PSC Rank file is also required.
KAS Best exam Books Name Plise send me sir
Books to prepare for KAS Prelims and Mains examination are given below:
Ancient India by D.D.Kausambi’s Historical Outline
Grammar by Wren and Martin
History :
Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra
Modern India Spectrum
NCERT Books ( XI & XII )
Polity :
constitution DD Basu
Indian polity by Laxmikant
Geography :
Spectrum Publication. Geography of Karnataka
NCERT books
Fundamentals of Physical Geography class 11
India Physical Geography Class 11
Human Geography class 12
Indian People and economy Class 12
Current Affairs :
The Hindu
Competition WIZARD
Sparda Spoorthi
Sparda chaithra.
Understanding economic development Class X
Indian Economic development class 11
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The below is the answer shared by other fellow quorans,
Hope it helps you
All NCERTs and State Governement text books. Almost 60% of questions come from here
Best books for preparation :
Books for Preliminary Exam and Main exam:
Ancient India by D.D.Kausambi’s Historical Outline
Arts and culture Class11
English Grammar by
Wren and Martin
General Science :
Tata Mc Graw Hill
Sparda Spoorthi
Science Class 8,9 and 10
Indian History :
India Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra
Modern India Spectrum publications
NCERT Books ( XI & XII )
History of Karnataka by Ranganath
Karnataka Handbook.
Indian Polity :