What are the questions asked in computer aptitude in sbi PO? Do they really ask about the basic computer definitions or it is just the aptitude and reasoning questions?
Hello Aspirant,
The SBI PO Reasoning and Computer Aptitude section in the Main Exam, consists a total of 45 questions to be completed in 60 minutes. Below are the different categories from which Reasoning and Computer Aptitude questions are asked:
Reasoning Ability
Seating Arrangements
Direction Sense
Blood Relation
Order and Ranking
Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
Machine Input-Output
Data Sufficiency
Logical Reasoning
Computer Aptitude
History and Generation of Computers
Introduction to Computer Organisation
Computer Memory
Computer Hardware and I/O Devices
Computer Software
Computer Languages
Operating System
Computer Network
Number System and Conversions
MS Office and Short cut keys
Basics of DBMS
Computer and Network Security
Just practice previous year papers to know the type and pattern of questions.
All the best