What can I a Sc.B WBboard(Eco,math,stat,cs) do to build a career focusing AI and its subsets? Thank you. (Ps- Im STILL able to change to PCM
Until data mining rose in popularity, most AI-related work had been for the US military or intelligence 'community'. Many of the problems of interest in warfare involve a lot of coordination of resources and communiction, management protocols and planning, pattern recognition and prediction, and automation of platforms (like 'Future Combat Systems'). Until businesses and the web took an interest in machine learning, probably 90% of AI jobs fell to defense contractors and gov't research labs, while the other 10% landed in academia.
With the rise of data mining, the tide has turned a bit toward business. Many firms directly hire folks with machine learning skills, while many are subcontracted through firms that do nothing else. I work at the former -- a large pharma that uses AI to characterize drug development. We use quantitation of anatomical or chemical or genetic change to identify separation between treated and untreated animals or people, both positive (efficacy) and negative (toxicity).
For more information please go through the following link
Hope this helps ....