what if i appear for ts pgecet counselling without income certificate and residence certificate ?
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Dear documents are most important when you are going for reporting.You are required to carry all the documents in original and their xerox copies at help centres for verification. You will be given a document verification certificate after their documents are verified. List of documents to be carried for verification is given below
TS PGECET 2019 score card and hall ticket
Degree/Provisional certificate and Marksheets of qualifying examination
Marksheets and certificates of class 10 and 12
Category certificates from competent authority (In case of student claiming reservation)
Residence certificates/Domicile certificate
Aadhaar Card
Income certificate issue after 01.01.2019
But if you not consider residence certificate then you might be in trouble or they will ask you if it is not ready then you can provide them with your other proofs and application of domicile.So,it all depends on the reporting centre.Keep your documents ready.
Hope this helps.
Hey Samsha! While registration you have to mention the domicile certificate number in the area provided. You have to show all the documents during document verification so these documents are necessary since TS PGECET is a state level entrance exam which is conducted for Telangana State students.
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