what is a safe score of ma psychology in du 2020
Hey there!
You can not really predict what actually a "safe score" may be, as cut offs change every year based on variety of factors like, total candidates applying for the course and how the overall result is. But we can see the last year cut offs to get a slight idea of how the cut off may look like this year, in 2018 the cut off score for M.A Psychology was 70.44 and in 2019, it was somewhere around 72. So, you can see if you get something above 72-73, you may get your safe score for this, but nothing can be said by certainty.
Hello applicant,
*To obtain a seat in DELHI UNIVERSITY the process will take place in this way the fifty percent seats by direct merit on the basis of marks obtained in B.A. (Hons.) psychology and Applied psychology of Delhi University in the current Academic Year. The candidates seeking admissions on the basis of category-I are required to appear for the entrance test and interview.
For applying in UG courses at DELHI UNIVERSITY , the minimum qualification is 12th passed/appearing with 75% aggregate of best four including 85% in English for general category. A general candidate should have Minmum 60% in four subjects (including mathematics), 54% for OBC, and passing marks are required for SC/ST.
Hope it helpful.
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