What is asked in B.com hons LPUnest exam?
Hi Himanshu,
Here is the syllabus for LPUNEST Exam- CAS [Undergraduate]
Accounts: Introduction to Accounting, Theory Base of Accounting, Generation of Vouchers and Recording of Transactions, Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves Bills of Exchange, Financial Statements, Financial Statement of Not-for-Profit Organizationm Computers in Accounting, Accounting for Partnership, Reconstitution of Partnership Accounting for Share, Capital Accounting for Debentures, Cash flow Statement, COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING [Overview of Computerized Accounting System Application of Computers in Financial Accounting (using MSAccess)]
Business Studies: Nature and significance of Management, Functions of Management, Business Environment, Authority and responsibility, Leadership, Communication, Financial Management, Marketing Management andConsumer Protection.
Mathematics: Algebra: [Sets, relations and functions, Complex numbers and quadratic equations and Sequences and series] Matrices, Vectors & Reasoning[Matrices & Determinants, Vector algebra, Mathematical reasoning.] Permutation-Combinations & Binomial Theorem [Permutations and Combinations, Mathematical induction, Binomial theorem and its simple applications] Limit, Integration & Differentiation: [Limit, continuity and differentiability, Integral calculus] Geometry [Coordinate geometry, Straight lines, Circles, conic sections, Three Dimensional Geometry.] Probability & Trigonometry [Statistics and probability, Probability, Trigonometry.]
The duration of the test is 90 minutes (1 hrs. 30 min.) and it consists of objective type multiple choice questions (MCQs). English is compulsory and you can choose to attempt any other two subjects, depending upon your course.
For more detailed syllabus, visit their website or reach out to us at Careers 360 using the link given below: https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/lpunest
hi himanshu sinha,
i suggest you to refer the below link to get syllabus for LPU NEST,
- https://nest.lpu.in/cas/syllabus.php
all the best!
note:if any links available,copy and paste it in the url bar of your browser.
I Hope this information will be useful to you.
if you need additional information,let us know to help you.
Thank you!!!:)