What is cost of hostel and b.tec (cs) of 1 year in Chandigarh university
ELIGIBLITY: The eligiblity for B.tech CSE in Chandigarh University is having Physics, Chemistry, and Maths with atleast 50% marks and 45% marks in case of SC/ST category in class 12th.
FEES:Fees at CU is Rs.80,000 per semester, whcih sums upto Rs.1,60,000 for a year.
Other charges include:
- Uniform Fee (One Time) : Rs.2900
- Exam Fee (Sem Wise) : Rs.1500
- Refundable Security: Rs.2000
- CU Fest (Anually):Rs.500
- Other Charges:Rs.150
- Which sums to a total of Rs.7050
Merit Based scholarship is also available for students scoring in CUSAT.
- Top 1% students will get 100% fee waiver on Tution fees i.e 80,000. Payable amount will be 0.
- Next top 2% students will get 50% fee wavier on semester fees.Payable Fee will be Rs.40,000 per sem
- Next top 3% students will get 25% off. i.e., Payable semester fees will be Rs.60,000
- Next 4% of the top students will get 10% off on the same and payable amount will be Rs.72,000 per semester.
Hostel Charges depend on the type of room you choose, AC or Non-AC and also the number of students sharing the room. Below is the detailed fee breakup for hostel
- Non AC/Single Seater :Rs.1,20,000
- Non AC/Triple Seater :Rs.96,000
- Non AC/Four Seater :Rs.84,000
- AC/Single Seater :Rs.1,50,000
- AC/Triple Seater :Rs.1,08,000
Recurring Charges for food etc is given as Rs.2700 Per Month.
Which is approx. Rs.32400 Per Annum.
Hope This Helps.