What is difference between machenical engineering and machenical engineering (automotive) plz help and which is better
Dear student
A Mechanic is far far different from a Mechanical engineer.A good mechanical engineer has much broader knowledge in variety of fields including automobile, power plants, machines, fluid, airplanes, structures electronics, instrumentation etc. We take consideration of designing from strength, economics, user experience, environmental hazards, safety and lot more.A mechanic, on other hand, has much specific knowledge, skill and importantly experience in his specific work.
A Mechanical engineer is a person who applies the principles of engineering, physics, and material science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.
A Mechanic is a technician who uses tools to build or repair machinery.
Mechanical Engineering
A Mechanical Engineering Degree is the engineering discipline that focuses on the physical interactions and relationships of materials and their material properties. The core mechanical engineering classes including: statics, solids, thermodynamics, kinematics, materials science, physics and structural analysis. Even though, it is not specialized to automotive, some of the most important classes for automotive engineers are included in this major. This path provides a very detailed theoretical knowledge of these subjects and the basics to apply them in a variety of engineering fields. The Mechanical Engineering Degree is one of the most popular engineering degrees and is offered by almost every school that has an engineering program.
Automotive Engineering
An automotive engineering degree, or sometimes called a automotive mechanical engineering degree, is a highly specialized degree that teaches many of the same concepts as mechanical engineering but focuses specifically on automotive applications. When you earn an Automotive Engineering Degree you will study topics such as powertrain and chassis design, electronic components, aerodynamics and safety components. This highly specialized degree is intended to prepare students for the specific needs of the automotive industry and help them be better prepared to begin work in their specialized field. The Automotive Engineering major is a highly specialized degree that is only offered by select schools so it may be difficult to find a university that offers this degree. Most automotive engineering degrees are actually offered as masters programs.
Hope this helps
All the best !!!
Hi Adarsh! Mechanical engineering involves basic concepts and working mechanisms of heavy tools and machinery, involves principles of engineering, physics and material science for the design, analysis and manufacturing and maintainenance of mechanical systems. Automotive mechanical engineering will include the overview and the concepts covered in mechanical engineering to a certain extent and then the cumulative application of these in automotives (cars, trucks and other motorized vehicles). Automotive engineering hence is a specialized mechanical engineering branch.
Which is better depends on your interests and what you what you are aiming for later in life. Mechanical engineering will give you an overall knowledge of the mechanical systems and involved processes, whereas automotive mechanical engineering will enable you to apply your understanding of mechanical systems specifically to automotives.
You can visit the link that follows for an insight into automotive engineering and then pinpoint your interests and choose accordingly. Good Luck!