What is marks needed for physical handicap student to get medical seat in NEET2018
Answer (1)
Student must need 45 Percentile to qualify the exam.
For govt. Seat one should score 435+
For govt. Seat one should score 435+
Comments (5)
But I asking for physical disabaled person?
Yupp I know this is the cutoff trend for unreserved physically disabled person
For more you can check this link
For more you can check this link
Link is not open..in..2017 neet 250 mark reserved category student get good colleges
Highest marks obtained by the physically disabled person was 435
And closing was 250
Well if you want a good govt. medical college then you need to get 435 marks or otherwise 400+
And closing was 250
Well if you want a good govt. medical college then you need to get 435 marks or otherwise 400+
Tq for ur answer!!