What is process of payment of fee in allotted college at the reporting time
The fees in most of the colleges is paid via a challan or online through cheques in the name of the institution.Offline payments arent used much now to avoid corruption and also to be fair payers of incom tax.
Thank you
hi priyanka ,
once you have been alloted a seat in a college , you will have to take the required documents like the counselling certificate , call letter , marks sheet , admitcard , adhar etc and report to the college before the reporting last date . there you will have to submit all the details nd documents and pay the fee . the fee can be paid through cheque or cash or online . some college are specific about the mode of payment , so it is better to clarify with the college you are going to join in in prior and pay it in that mode befor e the due date .
all the best
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