what is the date of CAT and jipmer exam application fill-up date and last date
CAT registration for 2019 started from 7th August and was opened till 25th September. So, it's concluded.
Secondly, you've tagged JIPMER MBBS, I'm presuming you want to know about its application dates. So, let me tell you now onwards there shall be only one entrance test for admission of MBBS and that is NEET. Earlier, AIIMS and JIPMER used to conduct their own entrance test which no longer will take place.
From 2020-2021 session onwards, NEET remains the sole entrance exam for admission for MBBS.
And what about engeenering... Wht are the xams for it... Only jee Or more??.. Plz provide me the answer fast
I am guessing you are not aware of the news that is going to merge with Neet in the session that is 2020 so there will be no separate registration forms for JIPMER UG like previous year's. While CAT 2020 application form is expected to be out during the month-end of July 2020. The registration for the CAT examination usually begins by the second week of the next month, which is tentative during the second week of August 2020. I hope the above mentioned information is helpful to you.
Best wishes
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