What is the difference between diploma in architectural assistantship and diploma in architectural engineering?
Hi Aspirant,
In the architectural assistantship, the students are imparted practical training in various labs. & workshops namely Survey Lab, CAD Lab, etc. which are well equipped with the latest instruments. The students have the opportunity to learn the new things related to their field and can be the asset for their professional life. You can pursue your B.tech through Indian Institute of Architects (IIA).
It conducts non-formal engineering education programmes, successful completion of which is recognized as equivalent to a graduate degree in engineering by the Government of India, the Union Public Service Commission, State Governments and Public/Private Sector Organizations. The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is the national body of Architects in the country. The Associate Membership of the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS (by examination) is at par with Bachelors Degree in Architecture of recognized Indian Universities as notified by the Government Of India.
Hope this helps.