What is the exam pattern for Msc in Statistics in Delhi university entrance exam? How many students apply for this course in DU?
Hi, there's no way of knowing the exact number of knowing how many students appear for the exam. Students all over India come to take admission in DU, so definitely the numbers will be huge.
DU has recently released the entrance exam syllabus for most of the courses. You can find the syllabus for Statistics exam in the link: http://statistics.du.ac.in/pdf/M.Sc.%20Admission/Syllabus%20for%20M.Sc.%20Common%20Entrance%20Test.pdf
You can also download previous year's papers along with their answer keys from DU's official website.
The Exam will be for 2hrs. There will be Multiple choice questions. For each correct answer, the candidate will be rewarded 4 marks and for every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted.
Good Luck