What is the fee structure for msc medical microbiology in ramachandra medical institute of college chennai?
Hi Bhargavi,
As per the official website of the Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute (Chennai), the academic fees for M.Sc. Medical Microbiology & Applied Molecular Biology course is Rs. 1,25,000 per annum. The duration of the course is 3 years. The institute takes only 3 students for this program every year. The eligibility criteria for the program is - Candidates should possess MBBS/ BDS/ B.Sc. Allied Health Sciences/ Emergency and Trauma Care Technology/ Microbiology/ Zoology/ Home Science/ Medical Laboratory Technology/ Bachelor of Siddha Medical Sciences (BSMS)/ Bachelor of Unani Medical Sciences (BUMS)/ Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences (BAMS)/ Bachelor of Homeopathy Medical Sciences (BHMS) awarded by any recognized University.
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Hope that’s helpful. Good luck.